18 Facts About Erik Larsen


Erik J Larsen was born on December 8,1962 and is an American comic book artist, writer, and publisher.


Erik Larsen gained attention in the early 1990s with his art on Spider-Man series for Marvel Comics.


Erik Larsen has one older brother and two younger sisters.


Subsequently, the Dragon made another appearance in the third issue of Gary Carlson's Megaton anthology in its Vanguard strip, which Erik Larsen had been drawing.


In 1985 Erik Larsen worked on Sentinels of Justice for AC Comics, and The DNAgents for Eclipse Comics.


Erik Larsen did work at DC on The Outsiders, Teen Titans, Adventures of Superman and Doom Patrol.


Erik Larsen's first work for Marvel Comics was a fill-in on Thor that was inked by Vince Colletta.

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Erik Larsen later did a fill-in issue of The Amazing Spider-Man and five issues of Punisher for Marvel.


Erik Larsen then pitched to editor Terry Kavanaugh a story he would write and draw for Marvel Comics Presents featuring Nova, a character that Larsen adored.


Erik Larsen again succeeded McFarlane on Spider-Man, where he wrote and drew the six-issue story arc "Revenge of the Sinister Six".


Erik Larsen gained critical acclaim for his work with the character Venom during his time on Amazing Spider-Man.


Erik Larsen stopped working for Marvel in 1992 but has occasionally returned to write and illustrate, on titles such as Fantastic Four, The Defenders, Wolverine and Nova.


Erik Larsen continued to write and illustrate the series entirely by himself, usually maintaining a roughly monthly schedule except during times when it was not in production.


In 2004, Erik Larsen replaced Jim Valentino as publisher of Image Comics, taking responsibility for all comics produced by creators other than the Image partners and their studios.


Erik Larsen stepped down as publisher in July 2008 and executive director Eric Stephenson was promoted to the position:.


In 2021 Erik Larsen concluded the first volume of Mario Gully's Ant.


In October 2022, Erik Larsen said he would leave Twitter if Elon Musk bought the platform.


In 2012, Erik Larsen received an Inkpot Award from Comic-Con International.