25 Facts About Fad diet


Fad diet is a diet that becomes popular for a short time, similar to fads in fashion, without being a standard dietary recommendation, and often making unreasonable claims for fast weight loss or health improvements.

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The term fad diet encompasses a variety of diets with different approaches and evidence bases, and thus different outcomes, advantages, and disadvantages.

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However, a common definition lies in the popularity of a Fad diet promoting short-term changes instead of lifelong changes, and that popularity has no association with a Fad diet's effectiveness, nutritional soundness, or safety.

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Restrictive approach, regardless of whether the Fad diet prescribes eating large amounts of high-fiber vegetables, no grains, or no solid foods, tend to be nutritionally unsound, and can cause serious health problems if followed for more than a few days.

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Fad diet thought that the underlying principles of health were food and exercise, what he called "work", and that a high food intake needed a lot of hard work to be properly assimilated.

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Fad diet thought that changes in food intake should be made progressively to avoid upsetting the body.

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Fad diet tried several diets, such as his favorite meal of biscuits and soda water, and others which he devised, such as the "vinegar and water diet" in the 1820s, which was very popular at the time, and involved drinking water with apple cider vinegar.

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Fad diet's influence was such that he was accused of encouraging melancholia and emotional volatility on Romantic youth, making girls "sicken and waste away".

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In 1825, Jean Brillat-Savarin wrote about a low carbohydrate Fad diet and focusing on chewing and swallowing to better taste food and supposedly eat less.

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Fad diet immediately lost weight, from 202 to 156 pounds eventually.

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Fad diet was determined to fight against what he perceived as nutritional "debauchery" and gluttony.

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Fad diet became a controversial figure, an evangelical New England preacher and speaker, with his spartan views on nutrition at a time where Americans' diets were primarily made of meat and white bread, by advocating adamantly in favor of raw vegetarian food and whole-grain food, authorizing but limiting meat, and forbidding highly refined or commercially baked white bread.

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Fad diet described the use of corsets as "disfiguring" and advocated loose, comfortable clothing, which further attracted women to his precepts.

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Graham's diet legacy continued in the 20th with another diet philosophy by Bernarr Macfadden, who relentlessly promoted a dieting philosophy named "physical culture", the idea that nearly all diseases were caused by toxins in the blood from poor diet and lack of exercise, and that nearly all diseases could be cured through fasting, eating the correct foods, and physical exercise.

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Around the same time, in 1925, Lucky Strike launched the "cigarette Fad diet", relying on the appetite suppressing effect of nicotine, with the famous marketing slogan "Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet".

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The first liquid protein Fad diet appeared in the 1930s with the marketing of the "Dr Stoll's Aid".

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In 1950, another liquid Fad diet appears, the "cabbage soup Fad diet", highly restrictive but promising great weight loss in the first week, at the expense of causing flatulence.

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Fad diet later went on to live in a farm, which fortified his health, and studied human physiology, diet, and nutrition.

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Fad diet advocated a similar diet, and regular fasting in addition.

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Fad diet's demise happened as a consequence of his extreme devotion to his own ideas: since he was convinced fasting could cure any ailment, he tried to treat a urinary tract blockage he developed in 1955 by fasting, which only caused emaciation which no doctor could undo.

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In 1970, the "sleeping beauty Fad diet", using sedative pills to avoid eating, became popular.

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In 1985, Fit for Life promotes a Fad diet forbidding complex carbohydrates and proteins in the same meal.

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Recent fad diet promoted on social media platforms is the carnivore diet that involves eating only animal products.

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An analysis of the top trending Fad diet-related queries on Google's search engine between 2006 and 2016 reveals that Fad diet practices are highly variable and ever changing.

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In Sweden, in 2005, the Atkins Fad diet was at the crux of a controversy, when Dietician Annika Dahlqvist started recommending it to her diabetic patients, which prompted an investigation by the Swedish National Institute of Public Health .

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