12 Facts About Framasoft


Framasoft is a popular education social network created in November 2001 by Alexis Kauffmann, Paul Lunetta, and Georges Silva.

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Entire Framasoft production is provided under Free license in order to promote participation and guarantee that everyone can benefit from it, without any appropriation whatsoever.

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Framasoft Free mentions is a corporate and non-profit third party.

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Framasoft began as a software section of this project, before getting its independence, acting as a free software directory for Windows.

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In June 2007, Framasoft receives the "Lutece d'Or" for "the best conducted community action" during the event Paris Capitale du Libre.

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In January 2009, Framasoft set up a support website dedicated to collect donations and testimonies.

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Framasoft celebrates its 10 years with a radio show Place de la toile on France Culture in November 2011.

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In January 2013, Framasoft joins other organisations such as Savoirscom1, Regards citoyens or the Open Knowledge Foundation France to refuse privatisation of domaine public by the Bibliotheque nationale de France.

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In June 2014, a crowdfunding campaign allowed Framasoft to add new features to Framapad, followed in October 2014 by the launch of the "De-google-ify Internet" campaign .

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Framasoft took the opportunity to start their own code body hosting called Forge.

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In May 2015, Framasoft started a new Web search engine service, in order to continue demonstrating that alternatives to Google are possible.

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Since Framasoft was becoming a large collaborative project, it became necessary to provide all the technical parts of a growing network, like ownership of domain names associated with a moral person, to accompany projects in a coherent way so they are part of a whole and to represent Framasoft through more and more interventions in the field.

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