12 Facts About GOProud


GOProud was an American tax exempt 527 organization supported by fiscally conservative gay men, lesbians, and their allies.

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GOProud advocated for free markets, limited government, and a respect for individual rights and worked at the federal and state levels to build strong coalitions of liberal conservative and libertarian activists, organizations and policy makers to advance their shared values and beliefs.

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GOProud was founded by Christopher R Barron and Jimmy LaSalvia, two former Log Cabin Republican staffers who expressed dissatisfaction at that organization's generally centrist political positions.

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In June 2014, it was reported that GOProud had ceased operations and was shutting down as a political committee.

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GOProud pushed for a write-in campaign for Donald Trump at CPAC's presidential straw poll.

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GOProud condemned Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum – both candidates for the Republican nomination for president in 2012 – after they favoured reinstating the policy.

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GOProud was excluded from sponsoring CPAC in 2013, however this led to some criticism from some, such as S E Cupp and Chris Hayes, who boycotted attending CPAC that year over the issue.

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In June 2014, reports surfaced that the GOProud leadership had decided to dissolve the organization.

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On January 18,2013, GOProud officially came out in support of same-sex marriage at a state by state level.

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GOProud had no official position on the Employment Nondiscrimination Act or the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr.

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In 2009, GOProud supported the inclusion of the Thune-Vitter Concealed Carry Reciprocity Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010.

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GOProud had affiliates in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

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