10 Facts About Henry Wallich


Henry Christopher Wallich was a German American economist who served as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors from 1974 to 1986.


Henry Wallich previously served as a member of the Council of the Economic Advisers under President Dwight D Eisenhower.


Henry Wallich was best known as an economic columnist for Newsweek magazine, from 1965 until he joined The Federal Reserve.


Henry Wallich began 10 years at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1941, becoming chief of its foreign research division.


Henry Wallich interests included the developing country economies in the third world.


Henry Wallich became a consultant to officials of Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Cuba in the pre-Castro era.


Henry Wallich was appointed by President Richard Nixon as a Governor of the Federal Reserve System, in 1974 as one of the Fed's seven Governors.

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Mr Henry Wallich's proposal espoused in 1971 with Sidney Weintraub, a liberal economist, for a tax-based incomes policy, or TIP.


Henry Wallich was the board's main emissary to the Bank for International Settlements, the institution in Basel, Switzerland, that serves the world's central banks.


Henry Wallich was survived by his wife, Mable, mother Hildegard, and children, Christine Wallich, Anna Wallich and Paul Wallich.