11 Facts About IcedTea


IcedTea is a build and integration project for OpenJDK launched by Red Hat in June 2007.

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IcedTea includes some addon libraries: IcedTea-Web is a free software implementation of Java Web Start and the Java web browser applet plugin.

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IcedTea-Sound is a collection of plugins for the Java sound subsystem, including the PulseAudio provider which used to be included with IcedTea.

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Historically, the initial goal of the IcedTea project was to make the OpenJDK software, which Sun Microsystems released as free software in 2007, usable without requiring any proprietary software, and hence make it possible to add OpenJDK to Fedora and other Linux distributions that insist on free software.

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In June 2008, it was announced that IcedTea6 has passed the tests and can claim to be a fully compatible Java 6 implementation.

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IcedTea provides a more familiar build system by providing a wrapper around the OpenJDK makefiles using the GNU Autotools.

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From June 2007, IcedTea was able to build itself and pass a significant portion of Mauve, the GNU Classpath test suite.

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IcedTea has become popular among package maintainers for the following Linux distributions.

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IcedTea still provides its own web browser plugin and Web Start support, as Sun's implementation remains proprietary.

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The IcedTea project has developed a generic port of the HotSpot interpreter called zero-assembler Hotspot, with almost no assembly code.

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IcedTea project has developed a platform-independent just-in-time compiler called Shark for HotSpot, using LLVM, to complement Zero.

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