16 Facts About Ishvara


Ishvara is a concept in Hinduism, with a wide range of meanings that depend on the era and the school of Hinduism.

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In medieval era Hindu texts, depending on the school of Hinduism, Ishvara means God, Supreme Being, personal God, or special Self.

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In traditional Bhakti movements, Ishvara is one or more deities of an individual's preference from Hinduism's polytheistic canon of deities.

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Root of the word Ishvara comes from is- meaning "capable of" and "owner, ruler, chief of".

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Radhakrishnan and Moore state that these variations in Ishvara concept is consistent with Hinduism's notion of "personal God" where the "ideals or manifestation of individual's highest Self values that are esteemed".

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Ishvara did not create the world, according to this school of Hindu scholars, but He only created invisible laws that operate the world and then He becomes passive and lets those hidden universal laws do their thing.

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Proposition sutra: Ishvara is the cause, since we see sometimes human action lacks fruits .

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Ishvara was followed by Udayana, who in his text Nyayakusumanjali, interpreted "it" in verse 4.

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Advaita Vedanta school of Hinduism proclaims that at the empirical level Ishvara is the cause of the universe and the one who awards the fruits of every action.

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Ishvara is defined as the one without likes and dislikes, as well embodied with compassion .

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Ishvara is that which is "free from avidya, free from ahamkrti, free from bandhana ", a Self that is "pure, enlightened, liberated".

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At the absolute level there is no otherness nor distinction between Jiva and Ishvara, and any attempts to distinguish the two is a false idea, one based on wrong knowledge, according to Advaita Vedanta.

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Ishvara becomes free from fears, from delusions, from root cause of evil.

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Ishvara becomes pure, invulnerable, unified, free from evil, true to truth, liberated like Ishvara.

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Ishvara, in Vishishtadvaita Vedanta sub-school of Hinduism, is a composite concept of dualism and non-dualism, or "non-dualism with differentiation".

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Ishvara is a complete, perfect and the highest reality to Dvaitins, and simultaneously the world is a separate reality for them, unlike competing thoughts in other sub-schools of Vedanta.

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