42 Facts About Jerry Rubin


Jerry Clyde Rubin was an American social activist, anti-war leader, and counterculture icon during the 1960s and early 1970s.


Jerry Rubin attended Cincinnati's Walnut Hills High School, co-editing the school newspaper, The Chatterbox and graduating in 1956.


Jerry Rubin attended Oberlin College, and Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and later went on to graduate from the University of Cincinnati, receiving a degree in history.


Jerry Rubin attended the University of California, Berkeley in 1964 but dropped out to focus on social activism.


Jerry Rubin's parents died within ten months of each other, leaving Jerry Rubin to take care of his younger brother, Gil, who was 13 at the time.


Jerry Rubin wanted to teach Gil about the world and planned to take him to India.


When relatives threatened to sue to obtain custody of Gil, Jerry Rubin decided to take his brother to Israel instead, settling in Tel Aviv.


Jerry Rubin began to demonstrate on behalf of various left-wing causes after dropping out of Berkeley.


Jerry Rubin turned his attention to political protest, his first in Berkeley, protesting against the refusal of a local grocer to hire African Americans.


Jerry Rubin organized the Vietnam Day Committee, that led some of the first big protests against the Vietnam War.


Jerry Rubin took part in planning the world's largest teach-in against the war, organized rallies and demonstrations that attempted to stop a train transporting troops to the Oakland Army Base, as well as trucks carrying napalm.


Jerry Rubin was one of the founding members of the Youth International Party or Yippies, along with social and political activist Abbie Hoffman and satirist Paul Krassner.


Jerry Rubin's appearance before the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings is a good example of the Yippies' emphasis on conducting political protest as theater, and drawing as much attention as possible to their dissent by turning it into a spectacle.


Jerry Rubin was subpoenaed by HUAC in Washington but instead of pleading the Fifth Amendment as was common, he entered the room dressed in a rented 18th-century American Revolutionary War uniform, proudly claiming to be a descendant of Jefferson and Paine.


Jerry Rubin, showing a total lack of concern or worries, lightheartedly blew soap bubbles as members of Congress questioned his Communist affiliations.


Jerry Rubin subsequently appeared before the HUAC as a bare-chested guerrilla in Viet Cong pajamas, with war paint and carrying a toy M-16 rifle, and later as Santa Claus.


At the official introductions at Pigasus' first press conference, Jerry Rubin, while holding the candidate in his arms, demanded he be given Secret Service protection and be brought to the White House for a foreign policy briefing.


Jerry Rubin promised, on behalf of Pigasus, a fair election campaign and if Pigasus won the election he would be eaten.


In October 1967, David Dellinger of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam asked Jerry Rubin to help mobilize and direct a March on the Pentagon.


Jerry Rubin later played an instrumental role in the anti-war demonstration that accompanied the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago by helping to organize the Yippie "Festival of Life" in Lincoln Park.


Jerry Rubin spoke along with Hoffman at an anti-war rally at the Grant Park bandshell on August 28,1968, and instructed demonstrators to resist if a riot broke out.


In spite of the danger of being busted, Jerry Rubin smoked marijuana before the trial.


Jerry Rubin was sentenced by the judge to more than three years in prison for contempt of court.


In 1972, Jerry Rubin continued his activism, this time in Miami Beach to organize protests for both the Republican and Democratic Conventions.


Jerry Rubin began the debate by thanking "Uncle Ellis" for the invitation to debate.


Ellis, who was not related to Jerry Rubin, feigned disgust at the association and the event was "on".


Jerry Rubin was interviewed on television by journalist Dorothy Fuldheim about his book Do It.


Jerry Rubin held a post-election party at his home in New York in January 1973, attended by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, after Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern had lost to Republican incumbent President Richard Nixon at the 1972 presidential election.


Jerry Rubin was an early investor in Apple Computer, and by the end of the 1970s had become a multimillionaire.


Jerry Rubin embarked on a debating tour with Abbie Hoffman titled "Yippie versus Yuppie".


When Hoffman died by suicide in 1989, Jerry Rubin attended his funeral.


Jerry Rubin appeared posthumously in the 2002 British documentary by Adam Curtis, The Century of the Self.


Jerry Rubin explains why est appealed to him, even though he initially resisted it:.


Jerry Rubin appeared on Saturday Night Lives second episode of its first season.


In 1976, Rubin wrote the book Growing at Thirty-Seven, which contained a chapter about his experience at an Erhard Seminars Training session, later included in the book American Spiritualities: A Reader edited by Catherine L Albanese.


Much like Arthur Koestler in his collections of essays The Yogi and the Commissar, Jerry Rubin argues that political work and self-development has to go hand in hand.


In 1980, Jerry Rubin authored a self-help book with his wife, Mimi Leonard, entitled The War Between the Sheets: What's Happening with Men in Bed and What Men and Women Are Doing About It.


Sometime in the mid-1970s, Jerry Rubin reinvented himself as a businessman.


On November 14,1994, Jerry Rubin was struck by a motorist as he attempted to cross Wilshire Boulevard, in front of his penthouse apartment in the Westwood area of Los Angeles, California.


Jerry Rubin was taken to the UCLA Medical Center, where he died of a heart attack two weeks later.


Jerry Rubin is interred in the Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery in Culver City, California.


Jerry Rubin was a great life force, full of spunk, courage and wit.