60 Facts About John Dewey


John Dewey was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer.


John Dewey was one of the most prominent American scholars in the first half of the twentieth century.


John Dewey asserted that complete democracy was to be obtained not just by extending voting rights but by ensuring that there exists a fully formed public opinion, accomplished by communication among citizens, experts and politicians, with the latter being accountable for the policies they adopt.


John Dewey was one of the primary figures associated with the philosophy of pragmatism and is considered one of the fathers of functional psychology.


John Dewey was a major educational reformer for the 20th century.


John Dewey was born in Burlington, Vermont, to a family of modest means.


John Dewey was one of four boys born to Archibald Sprague Dewey and Lucina Artemisia Rich Dewey.


The second John Dewey was born October 20,1859, forty weeks after the death of his older brother.


In 1894 John Dewey joined the newly founded University of Chicago where he developed his belief in Rational Empiricism, becoming associated with the newly emerging Pragmatic philosophy.


John Dewey was a longtime member of the American Federation of Teachers.


John Dewey published more than 700 articles in 140 journals, and approximately 40 books.


John Dewey married Alice Chipman in 1886 shortly after Chipman graduated with her Ph.


John Dewey married Estelle Roberta Lowitz Grant, "a longtime friend and companion for several years before their marriage" on December 11,1946.


John Dewey died of pneumonia on June 1,1952, at his home in New York City after years of ill-health and was cremated the next day.


Well aware of both Japanese expansionism into China and the attraction of Bolshevism to some Chinese, John Dewey advocated that Americans support China's transformation and that Chinese base this transformation in education and social reforms, not revolution.


John Dewey's lectures were lost at the time, but have been rediscovered and published in 2015.


John Dewey urged the Chinese to not import any Western educational model.


John Dewey recommended to educators such as Tao Xingzhi, that they use pragmatism to devise their own model school system at the national level.


John Dewey's ideas did have influence in Hong Kong, and in Taiwan after the nationalist government fled there.


In Marxist and Maoist China, John Dewey's ideas were systematically denounced.


John Dewey traveled to Durban, Pretoria and Victoria Falls in what was then Southern Rhodesia and looked at schools, talked to pupils, and gave lectures to the administrators and teachers.


At the University of Michigan, John Dewey published his first two books, Psychology, and Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding, both of which expressed John Dewey's early commitment to British neo-Hegelianism.


In Psychology, John Dewey attempted a synthesis between idealism and experimental science.


John Dewey developed the idea that there is a coordination by which the stimulation is enriched by the results of previous experiences.


John Dewey was elected president of the American Psychological Association in 1899.


John Dewey expressed interest in work in the psychology of visual perception performed by Dartmouth research professor Adelbert Ames Jr.


John Dewey sometimes referred to his philosophy as instrumentalism rather than pragmatism, and would have recognized the similarity of these two schools to the newer school named consequentialism.


Yet John Dewey was not entirely opposed to modern logical trends; indeed, the deficiencies in traditional logic he expressed hope for the trends to solve occupies the whole first part of same book.


John Dewey converted me internally, but not really, I fear.


Art as Experience is John Dewey's major writing on aesthetics.


John Dewey founded the University of Chicago laboratory school, supported educational organizations, and supported settlement houses especially Jane Addams' Hull House.


John Dewey experienced the lack of children's education while contributing in the classroom at the Hull House.


Addams is unquestionably a maker of democratic community and pragmatic education; John Dewey is just as unquestionably a reflector.


Finally, John Dewey called for extending democracy, conceived as an ethical project, from politics to industry and society.


John Dewey believed that a woman's place in society was determined by her environment and not just her biology.


John Dewey's support helped to increase the support and popularity of Jane Addams' Hull House and other settlement houses as well.


John Dewey continually argues that education and learning are social and interactive processes, and thus the school itself is a social institution through which social reform can and should take place.


John Dewey makes a strong case for the importance of education not only as a place to gain content knowledge, but as a place to learn how to live.


John Dewey notes that "education is a regulation of the process of coming to share in the social consciousness; and that the adjustment of individual activity on the basis of this social consciousness is the only sure method of social reconstruction".


John Dewey argues that in order for education to be most effective, content must be presented in a way that allows the student to relate the information to prior experiences, thus deepening the connection with this new knowledge.


John Dewey's ideas went on to influence many other influential experiential models and advocates.


Problem-Based Learning, for example, a method used widely in education today, incorporates John Dewey's ideas pertaining to learning through active inquiry.


However, although John Dewey is steadfast in his beliefs that education serves an immediate purpose, he is not ignorant of the impact imparting these qualities of intelligence, skill, and character on young children in their present life will have on the future society.


John Dewey believed that successful classroom teacher possesses a passion for knowledge and intellectual curiosity in the materials and methods they teach.


For John Dewey, this propensity is an inherent curiosity and love for learning that differs from one's ability to acquire, recite and reproduce textbook knowledge.


For John Dewey, it is not enough for the classroom teacher to be a lifelong learner of the techniques and subject-matter of education; she must aspire to share what she knows with others in her learning community.


The best indicator of teacher quality, according to John Dewey, is the ability to watch and respond to the movement of the mind with keen awareness of the signs and quality of the responses he or her students exhibit with regard to the subject-matter presented.


Such negative demeanors, according to John Dewey, prevent children from pursuing their own propensities for learning and intellectual growth.


Such students of education aspire for the intellectual growth within the profession that can only be achieved by immersing one's self in the lifelong pursuit of the intelligence, skills and character John Dewey linked to the profession.


Since the mid-1980s, John Dewey's ideas have experienced revival as a major source of inspiration for the public journalism movement.


John Dewey gives a concrete definition to the formation of a public.


John Dewey refutes this model by assuming that politics is the work and duty of each individual in the course of his daily routine.


John Dewey said that journalism should conform to this ideal by changing its emphasis from actions or happenings to alternatives, choices, consequences, and conditions, in order to foster conversation and improve the generation of knowledge.


John Dewey believed that communication creates a great community, and citizens who participate actively with public life contribute to that community.


John Dewey was an advocate of US participation in the First World War.


John Dewey directed the famous Dewey Commission held in Mexico in 1937, which cleared Leon Trotsky of the charges made against him by Joseph Stalin, and marched for women's rights, among many other causes.


In 1939, John Dewey was elected President of the League for Industrial Democracy, an organization with the goal of educating college students about the labor movement.


John Dewey was an avid supporter of Henry George's proposal for taxing land values.


John Dewey instead took a meliorist position with the goal of scientific humanism and educational and social reform without recourse to religion.


Besides publishing prolifically himself, John Dewey sat on the boards of scientific publications such as Sociometry and Journal of Social Psychology, as well as having posts at other publications such as New Leader.