13 Facts About John Hench


John Hench was an American artist, designer and director at The Walt Disney Company.


John Hench attended further art and creative schools in the United States, including the Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles, the San Francisco Art Institute in San Francisco, and the Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles.


In 1939, John Hench started as a story artist in the animation department working in areas including backgrounds, layout and art direction, effects animation and special effects.


John Hench was respected by Walt Disney as one of the studio's most gifted artists and worked him and Salvador Dali on the animated short Destino, a project which began in 1945 and not completed until 2003.


In 1954, John Hench was in the studio's live action department, as lead developer of the hydraulic giant squid in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.


John Hench was Disney's official portrait artist of Mickey Mouse, painting the company's portraits for Mickey's 25th, 50th, 60th, 70th, and 75th birthdays.


John Hench led the design for various attractions: Tomorrowland, the Adventureland buildings and walkways, New Orleans Square and the Snow White Grotto.

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Walt Disney

John Hench designed Space Mountain, and Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom and Tokyo Disneyland.


John Hench contributed to attractions such as the Mickey Mouse Revue, Carousel of Progress and It's a Small World.


John Hench was often mistaken as Walt Disney, therefore, theme parks guests would often ask him for an autograph or photo.


John Hench remained at Walt Disney Imagineering in Glendale, California, until 2004.


John Hench died of heart failure on February 5,2004, after a brief hospitalization in Burbank, California.


John Hench was a major contributor to the animation school.