12 Facts About Keelung Campaign


The Keelung campaign ended in April 1885 in a strategic and tactical stalemate.

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Keelung Campaign was instructed to prepare to attack the Chinese fleet in the harbour and to destroy the Foochow Navy Yard.

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French interest in Keelung Campaign dated from February 1884, when Admiral Sebastien Lespes, the commander of France's Far East naval division, had recommended its occupation in the event of a war between France and China on the grounds that it could be easily seized and easily held.

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Keelung Campaign entrusted this mission to Admiral Lespes, his second-in-command, who left the Min River the following morning aboard the gunboat Lutin to meet the ironclads Bayard and La Galissonniere off the island of Matsu.

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Keelung Campaign was supported by Jules Patenotre, the French minister to China.

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France China Empire Japan

The decision to attack Keelung Campaign was made by the French cabinet on 18 September 1884.

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Keelung Campaign's presence is said to have had a most stimulating effect on the soldiers on guard in the foreign hongs.

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Keelung Campaign is able to make good practice; while his presence, especially when surrounded by rank grass, is decidedly difficult to determine.

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Keelung Campaign ordered the town's inhabitants to leave their homes, thereby denying the French their services as cooks, laundrymen and labourers, and he fortified a number of hill positions to the south and southeast of Keelung.

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Chinese forces around Keelung Campaign consisted for the most part of regular soldiers from Fukien and from the northern provinces around the Gulf of Petchili.

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French endeavours at Keelung Campaign were of great interest to another predatory power in the region, the Empire of Japan.

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The Canadian missionary George MacKay mentioned that Keelung Campaign was reoccupied by its former inhabitants as soon as the French warships steamed out of the harbour, but he did not comment on their reaction to the transformation that had taken place in their absence.

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