12 Facts About Liu Yunbin


Liu Yunbin was a Chinese nuclear chemist and the son of former President of the People's Republic of China Liu Shaoqi.


Liu Yunbin took the initiative to donate blood for the Soviet Red Army soldiers fighting in the frontline.


Liu Yunbin was selected as one of the leaders of the International Children's Institute student union, and soon joined the Komsomol and served as the head of the organization in the International Children's Academy.


Liu Yunbin graduated in 1955 with an associate doctorate degree and entered the Moscow University Institute of Chemistry as a senior researcher.


Liu Yunbin made outstanding contributions to nuclear energy research and was awarded the title of associate researcher.


In 1966 the Cultural Revolution began and Liu Yunbin was sent to work, where he was tasked with cleaning and digging sewage ditches and other unskilled work.


In July 1966, Liu Yunbin Shaoqi was denounced as a "capitalist roader" and "traitor", and was removed from his position as Party Deputy chairman by Lin Biao.

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Liu Shaoqi

Liu Yunbin was beaten and abused by the Red Guards, who took him to an urban area in Baotou, where he was publicly humiliated at a denunciation rally.


On 21 November 1967, Liu Yunbin committed suicide by lying on the rails on the railway north of the residential area where his family lived.


Liu Yunbin's father died on 12 November 1969, in Kaifeng, Henan, due in part to maltreatment and torture in custody.


When his request to travel to China was refused again he filed a lawsuit and in 2003 managed to visit China for the first time, where he met with Liu Yunbin Shaoqi's living family members, including his wife Wang Guangmei.


Liu Yunbin decided to settle in China, where he presently manages an organization called 'Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs' that facilitates trade between China and Russia in Guangzhou.