12 Facts About MacPaint


MacPaint is a raster graphics editor developed by Apple Computer and released with the original Macintosh personal computer on January 24, 1984.

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MacPaint was notable because it could generate graphics that could be used by other applications.

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Original MacPaint was developed by Bill Atkinson, a member of Apple's original Macintosh development team.

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Early development versions of MacPaint were called MacSketch, still retaining part of the name of its roots, LisaSketch.

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MacPaint was written by Bill Atkinson, a member of Apple's original Macintosh development team.

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The original MacPaint consisted of 5, 804 lines of Pascal computer code, augmented by another 2, 738 lines of 68000 assembly language.

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MacPaint uses two offscreen memory buffers to avoid flicker when dragging shapes or images across the screen.

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Original MacPaint did incorporate a double zoom function with only head on.

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MacPaint included a "Goodies" menu which included the FatBits tool.

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MacPaint was first advertised in an 18-page brochure in December 1983, following the earlier announcement of the Macintosh 128K.

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The original MacPaint operated as a single-document application with an immovable window.

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MacPaint inspired other companies to release similar products for other platforms; within a year a half-dozen clones existed for the Apple II and IBM PC.

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