17 Facts About Malcolm Colcord


Malcolm Colcord, known as The Director, is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

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Malcolm Colcord appeared as a villain in the series Wolverine and is an important character in the Weapon X comics.

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Malcolm Colcord has a perfect life, being the patriarch of a family and a soldier, until he is assigned as a guard to the Weapon X complex in Canada.

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Malcolm Colcord becomes obsessed with mutants; his wife and children leave him, unable to recognize the man they had once loved.

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Malcolm Colcord seizes control of the Weapon X program, becoming the cold, ruthless and calculating Director.

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Malcolm Colcord then tries to recruit Deadpool, who initially agrees, but on Weapon X when Copycat, his ex-girlfriend becomes one of their targets.

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Malcolm Colcord later falls in love with the mutant Aurora, who persuades him to go through facial surgery to lose his bitterness.

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Malcolm Colcord agrees, and for a while the couple lives happily together.

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Malcolm Colcord destroys his face in frustration for losing his incentive, and escaps the battle with the help of Jeffries and Aurora.

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Aurora however later returns the favor to Malcolm Colcord, leaving him and Jeffries stranded in the middle of nowhere.

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Jeffries is happy to see Malcolm Colcord motivated again, but is unaware of the hallucinations.

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Malcolm Colcord's obsession is of great use to the Sentinels and he is one of the key figures in the death of the X-Men.

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Malcolm Colcord joins the mutants in their plan to send Wolverine back in time and prevent Colcord from being disfigured, which was the real cause for the dystopian timeline.

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Ultimate Universe version of Malcolm Colcord appears in the miniseries Ultimate Origins, as Dr Cornelius's employer in 1946.

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Malcolm Colcord tells them that men created mutants and Fury shoots him deciding that it needs to remain a secret.

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Malcolm Colcord is heard over a radio at a Weapon X facility leading an advance team against the Vision and being quickly overpowered.

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Malcolm Colcord appears in Nemesis's ending showing to Ozwell E Spencer that he gave the creature "minor enhancements" which seem to give it both adamantium skeleton and claws.

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