20 Facts About Maned wolf


The maned wolf is a crepuscular and omnivorous animal adapted to the open environments of the South American savanna, with an important role in the seed dispersal of fruits, especially the wolf apple .

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Term maned wolf is an allusion to the mane of the nape.

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One conclusion of this study is that the maned wolf is the only species among the large South American canids that survived the late Pleistocene extinction.

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Maned wolf is not closely related to canids found outside South America.

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Maned wolf is the tallest of the wild canids; its long legs are likely an adaptation to the tall grasslands of its native habitat.

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The first photograph of a black adult maned wolf was taken by a camera trap in northern Minas Gerais in Brazil in 2013.

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Maned wolf's footprints are similar to those of the dog, but have disproportionately small plantar pads when compared to the well-opened digit marks.

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Maned wolf is known for the distinctive cannabis-like odor of its territory markings, which has earned it the nickname "skunk wolf".

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Genetically, the maned wolf has 37 pairs of autosomes within diploid genes, with a karyotype similar to that of other canids.

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Maned wolf is a twilight animal, but its activity pattern is more related to the relative humidity and temperature, similar to that observed with the bush dog .

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Unlike most large canids, the maned wolf is a solitary animal and does not form packs.

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The wolf apple is actively sought by the maned wolf, and is consumed throughout the year, unlike other fruits that can only be eaten in abundance during the rainy season.

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Maned wolf wolves suffer from ticks, mainly of the genus Amblyomma, and by flies such as Cochliomyia hominivorax usually on the ears.

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The maned wolf is particularly susceptible to potentially fatal infection by the giant kidney worm.

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Generally, the maned wolf is shy and flees when alarmed, so it poses little direct threat to humans.

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Popularly, the maned wolf is thought to have the potential of being a chicken thief.

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The maned wolf is well represented in captivity, and has been bred successfully at many zoos, particularly in Argentina, North America and Europe .

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Maned wolf is not considered an endangered species by the IUCN because of its wide geographical distribution and adaptability to man-made environments, but due to declining populations, it is classified as a near-threatened species.

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Until 1996 the maned wolf was a vulnerable species by the IUCN.

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Human attitudes and opinions about the maned wolf vary across populations, ranging from fear and tolerance to aversion.

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