18 Facts About Manitoba Hydro


Stations in Northern Manitoba Hydro are connected by a HVDC system, the Nelson River Bipole, to customers in the south.

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In July 1999, Manitoba Hydro purchased the natural gas distribution company Centra Gas Manitoba.

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In September 2002, Manitoba Hydro purchased Winnipeg Hydro, which formerly provided electric power in the downtown area of Winnipeg.

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Great distance between generating sites on the Nelson River and load centers in southern Manitoba Hydro required the use of HVDC transmission lines to bring the energy to market.

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Winnipeg Hydro is a former provider of electrical power for the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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Customers of Winnipeg Manitoba Hydro enjoyed among the lowest electricity rates in North America.

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The purpose of the Manitoba Hydro Act was to provide for efficient, economical supply of electric power for the needs of the province.

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Manitoba Hydro has transmission lines connecting with Saskatchewan, Ontario, North Dakota and Minnesota.

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In 2005 Manitoba Hydro announced increased interchange up to 500 MW with Ontario, after construction of additional transmission facilities.

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Manitoba Hydro participates in "border accommodation" transfers, where it provides power to isolated extraprovincial end-use loads such as those of the Northwest Angle in Minnesota.

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Manitoba Hydro continues its membership in MAPP, which retains its function as a generation reserves sharing pool.

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Manitoba Hydro has a capital spending program intended to maintain and extend capacity for Manitoba customers, for environmental protection, and to allow export of energy surplus to Manitoba needs to stabilize rates.

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Manitoba Hydro is unusual in North America because it is the sole commercial provider of electrical power in the province of Manitoba.

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Manitoba Hydro is required by its regulating legislation to give priority to public benefit over profit.

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Since this energy is typically sold on short-term contracts or even on a spot market, the returns on these sales increase Manitoba Hydro's retained earnings, allowing domestic rates to be stable and low.

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Since Manitoba Hydro is a Crown Corporation paying no dividends and not obligated to provide a return on investment to shareholders, energy costs to industrial and residential consumers are lower than they would otherwise be.

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Manitoba Hydro had 6410 employees at the end of the 2015 fiscal year .

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Subsidiary company, Manitoba Hydro International, provides electric power consulting services.

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