23 Facts About Marion Nestle


Marion Nestle was born on 1936 and is an American molecular biologist, nutritionist, and public health advocate.


Marion Nestle is the Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health Emerita at New York University.


Marion Nestle became a Fellow of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences in 2005.


Marion Nestle's name is pronounced like the English verb "nestle", not like the name of the Swiss food conglomerate, to which she is unrelated.


Marion Nestle received her BA in bacteriology from UC Berkeley, Phi Beta Kappa.


Marion Nestle has listed Wendell Berry, Frances Moore Lappe, Joan Gussow, and Michael Jacobson as people who inspired her.


Marion Nestle undertook postdoctoral research in biochemistry and developmental biology at Brandeis University, joining the faculty in biology in 1975.


From 1976 to 1986, Marion Nestle was associate dean for human biology at the School of Medicine of the University of California, San Francisco.


Marion Nestle lectured in biochemistry, biophysics, and medicine and developed a teaching program for medical students in nutrition.


In 1986 Marion Nestle became staff director for nutrition policy in the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion for the Department of Health and Human Services.


Marion Nestle was editor of the Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health and contributed to a report from the Food and Nutrition Board: Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk.


Marion Nestle accepted the Paulette Goddard Professorship in 2004, and became Professor Emerita in 2017.


Marion Nestle has been a Visiting Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University.


In 1996 Marion Nestle founded the food studies program at New York University with food consultant Clark Wolf.


Marion Nestle hoped to raise public awareness of food and its role in culture, society, and personal nutrition.


Marion Nestle is the author of numerous articles in professional publications and has won awards for a number of her books.


Marion Nestle wrote the "Food Matters" column for the San Francisco Chronicle from 2008 to 2013.


Marion Nestle received the American Public Health Association's Food and Nutrition Section Award for Excellence in Dietary Guidance in 1994 and was named Nutrition Educator of the Year by Eating Well magazine in 1997.


Marion Nestle received the John Dewey Award for Distinguished Public Service from Bard College in 2010 and in 2011 was named a Public Health Hero by the University of California School of Public Health at Berkeley.


In 2016, Marion Nestle was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Macaulay Honors College, City University of New York.


In 2018 Marion Nestle was honored with a Trailblazer Award from the International Association of Culinary Professionals.


Marion Nestle received the Grand Dame Award of Les Dames d'Escoffier International and was appointed to Heritage Food Radio's Hall of Fame.


Marion Nestle has published at least 15 books and numerous articles.