10 Facts About Marion Ravenwood


Marion Ravenwood is a fictional character who first appeared in the 1981 film Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Kasdan's depiction of Marion Ravenwood was more complex, and she was genuinely interested in Rene Belloq in earlier script drafts.


Marion Ravenwood became a frequent supporting character in The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones, a Marvel Comics title which ran for 34 issues from January 1983 until March 1986.


Marion Ravenwood entered into a relationship with Indiana Jones during this time.


Jones abruptly left the Ravenwoods in 1926; Marion was about 16 or 17 years old when the relationship ended, and Jones was 27, ten years her senior.


Marion Ravenwood refused to return to the United States until she had enough money to return "with style".


In 1936, Marion Ravenwood found herself back in contact with Jones, when he offered her money for the headpiece of the Staff of Ra, an artifact originally located by her father.


Marion Ravenwood told Jones that, until he paid her the full price he promised, she was his partner.


Jones continued to pursue archaeological artifacts, while Marion Ravenwood tried her hand at journalism before opening a bar in New York City named The Raven's Nest.


Marion Ravenwood began a relationship with the RAF pilot Colin Williams three months after Mutt was born, and they eventually married and lived happily until Colin was killed during World War II.