10 Facts About Mark 2


Mark 2 is the second chapter of the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.

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Mark 2 is the only canonical gospel to specify that there were four persons carrying him.

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Since Mark 2 has so far listed four disciples, some writers speculate that Mark 2 might be indicating it is them doing the carrying, but there is no general agreement on this.

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Mark 2 forgives and heals by word alone, highlighting the power of his words.

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Mark 2 was often viewed as angelic or as a heavenly being who comes as a flesh and blood person.

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Mark 2 might be starting his explanation of why these Jewish authorities later turned on Jesus.

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Mark 2 could have been an independent contractor with the Roman government, who paid a fee to Rome to obtain the right to extract taxes from the people in a certain area, with an added fee for the collector and his employees.

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Mark 2 might have been a toll collector for Herod Antipas, and Capernaum was an area with a high traffic of people and merchants.

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In Mark 2, Jesus says this was when Abiathar was high priest, while Samuel says the high priest was Ahimelech, Abiathar's father.

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Since form critics believe the Q hypothesis and that Luke and Matthew copied from Mark 2, many argue they might have found this too radical and so chose not to include it.

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