15 Facts About Mark Danner


Mark David Danner was born on November 10,1958 and is an American writer, journalist, and educator.


Mark Danner is a former staff writer for The New Yorker and frequent contributor to The New York Review of Books.


Mark Danner is a member of the Berkeley Collegium, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Affairs Council of Northern California, and the Century Association, and is a fellow of the Institute of the Humanities at New York University.


Mark Danner has had a longtime association with the Telluride Film Festival, where he introduces films and conducts interviews; in 2013, he was named resident curator there.


In 1990, Mark Danner joined the staff of The New Yorker shortly after the magazine published his three-part series on Haiti, "A Reporter at Large: Beyond the Mountains".


Mark Danner began writing about the war on terror soon after September 11,2001, publishing "The Battlefield in the American Mind" in The New York Times in October of that year.


Mark Danner began speaking out against invading Iraq, notably in a series of debates with Christopher Hitchens, Leon Wieseltier, Michael Ignatieff, David Frum, William Kristol and others.


In May 2005 Mark Danner wrote an essay for The New York Review accompanying the first American publication of the so-called "Downing Street Memo", the leaked minutes of a July 2002 meeting of high-level British officials that confirmed that when it came to the debate over whether to go to war in Iraq, "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy," and that the invasion of Iraq was in fact a foregone conclusion.


In October 2016, Brian Lamb sat down with Mark Danner to talk about his latest book, Spiral: Trapped in the Forever War, which looks at the 15-year US war on terrorism.


Mark Danner has sat down with Bard President Leon Botstein twice to discuss President Donald Trump's first days in office and his approach to foreign and domestic policy.


Mark Danner continued his coverage Donald Trump in the 2020 election.


Mark Danner co-wrote and helped produce two-hour-long television documentaries for ABC News' Peter Jennings Reporting series: "While America Watched: The Bosnian Tragedy" and "House on Fire: America's Haitian Crisis", which both aired in 1994.


Since 2000, Mark Danner has been a Professor of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley.


Mark Danner teaches on foreign affairs, politics, and literature, including seminars on foreign reporting, war and revolution, crisis management, Trump Abroad, Faulkner, Hemingway, Chekhov, and Tolstoy.


In 2011, while teaching at Al Quds University in Palestine, Mark Danner met Michelle Sipe of Gainesville, Florida, a Victorian Literature professor.