11 Facts About Michael Lind


Michael Lind was born on April 23,1962 and is an American writer and academic.


Michael Lind has explained and defended the tradition of American democratic nationalism in a number of books, beginning with The Next American Nation.


Michael Lind is currently a professor at the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.


Michael Lind's father, Charles Ray Lind, was an assistant attorney general of Texas, and his mother, Marcia Hearon Lind, was a public school teacher and principal.


Michael Lind attended the Plan II Liberal Arts Honors Program at the University of Texas at Austin, graduating in 1982 with honors.


Michael Lind received a master's degree in International Relations from Yale University in 1985 and a JD from the University of Texas Law School in 1988.


Michael Lind has taught courses on American democracy, American political economy and American foreign policy at Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Virginia Tech's Arlington campus.

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Alexander Hamilton

Michael Lind has examined and defended the tradition of American democratic nationalism associated with Alexander Hamilton in a series of books, including The Next American Nation, Hamilton's Republic, What Lincoln Believed and Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States.


Michael Lind has written two books on American foreign policy, The American Way of Strategy and Vietnam: The Necessary War.


In 1995, Michael Lind criticized the systems of jury trials and common law, arguing that civil law trials are superior to common law trials, and that the civil law model of a mixed panel of professional and lay judges is preferable to juries.


Michael Lind had observed that of the 195 countries in the world today, none is fully a libertarian society:.