16 Facts About Mike Godwin


Michael Wayne Godwin was born on October 26,1956 and is an American attorney and author.


Mike Godwin was the first staff counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and he created the Internet adage Godwin's law and the notion of an Internet meme, as reported in the October 1994 issue of Wired.


Mike Godwin has served as a contributing editor of Reason magazine since 1994.


Mike Godwin attended Lamar High School in Houston, and graduated in 1980 from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Arts degree in the Plan II Honors program.


Mike Godwin later attended the University of Texas School of Law, graduating with a Juris Doctor degree in 1990.


Mike Godwin's involvement is later documented in the non-fiction book The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier by Bruce Sterling.


Mike Godwin has been a staff attorney and policy fellow for the Center for Democracy and Technology; a Chief Correspondent at IP Worldwide, a publication of American Lawyer Media; and a columnist for The American Lawyer magazine.

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Vint Cerf

Mike Godwin is a Contributing Editor at Reason magazine, where he has published interviews of several science-fiction writers.


From 2003 to 2005, Mike Godwin was staff attorney and later legal director of Public Knowledge, a non-governmental organization based in Washington, DC, concerned with intellectual property law.


Mike Godwin has worked on copyright and technology policy, including the relationship between digital rights management and American copyright law.


From October 2005 to April 2007, Mike Godwin was a research fellow at Yale University, holding dual positions in the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, and at the Yale Computer Science Department's Privacy, Obligations and Rights in Technologies of Information Assessment project.


Mike Godwin was general counsel for the Wikimedia Foundation from July 3,2007, until October 22,2010.


Mike Godwin has been a proponent of net neutrality since 2006, along with other internet advocates such as Vint Cerf.


Mike Godwin was named a member of the Student Press Law Center Board of Directors in January 2009, of the Open Source Initiative Board of Directors in March 2011, and the Internet Society Board of Trustees in April 2019.


Mike Godwin believes the ubiquity of such comparisons trivializes the Holocaust, which he finds regrettable.


Mike Godwin has since made it clear that, in his opinion, the alt-right, especially the participants in the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right rally, deserve comparisons to the Nazis.