28 Facts About Nancy Johnson


Nancy Elizabeth Lee Johnson was born on January 5,1935 and is an American lobbyist and politician from the state of Connecticut.


Nancy Johnson graduated from the University of Chicago Laboratory School in 1953, and from Radcliffe College of Harvard University in 1957.


Nancy Johnson attended the University of London's Courtauld Institute of Art in 1957 and 1958.


Nancy Johnson later moved to New Britain, Connecticut, where she lives today.


Nancy Johnson was an active volunteer in the schools and social service agencies of her community, before serving in the Connecticut Senate from 1977 to 1983.


Nancy Johnson replaced Democrat Anthony "Toby" Moffett, who made an unsuccessful bid for the US Senate that year.


Nancy Johnson attributed her decreased percentage to the time she had spent on the House ethics panel, dealing with ethics allegations against Speaker Newt Gingrich, which prevented her from getting around in her district.

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Nancy Johnson responded with her own advertising campaign dismissing the charges and strongly attacking Murphy, accusing him of not disavowing the MoveOn attack ads.


Nancy Johnson won only six of the district's 41 towns, losing many areas that had reliably supported her in the past.


Nancy Johnson had failed to carry New Britain in her last two elections.


Nancy Johnson called herself "an independent voice in Washington", although she frequently supported the mainstream Republican agenda.


In 2003, Nancy Johnson voted with the House Democrats to oppose Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.


In 2006, Nancy Johnson attracted considerable controversy after voting against a Republican budget reconciliation bill that passed the House by two votes.


Nancy Johnson was one of 14 moderate Republicans that crossed party lines to side with Democrats against it.


Nancy Johnson is a strong supporter of Republican policy on health care and the Iraq War, but opposed the Bush energy agenda, including oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge refuge.


Nancy Johnson has received favorable marks and awards from such groups as the National Education Association and the Sierra Club.


In 2005, Nancy Johnson supported the White House plan to partially privatize Social Security, and voted for a measure sponsored by then-Majority Leader Tom DeLay that would have weakened House Ethics rules.


Nancy Johnson was one of the authors of the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit program, which took effect in 2006.


On May 15,2006, Nancy Johnson announced she would submit legislation to waive penalties for those who miss deadlines to enroll in Medicare Part D, reacting to widespread criticism of the Nancy Johnson-authored program.


Nancy Johnson's bill was unsuccessful but was supported by the AARP.


Nancy Johnson authored the legislation that allowed welfare recipients to remain eligible for Medicaid, adding a more moderate influence to the welfare reform law.


In 1988, Nancy Johnson became the first Republican woman to be named to the powerful Ways and Means Committee.


Nancy Johnson eventually rose to chair three separate Ways and Means subcommittees.


In 1983, Nancy Johnson was one of the original congressional members of the United States House Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families.


Nancy Johnson served as co-chair of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a public policy think tank.

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In October 2007, Nancy Johnson endorsed former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani's bid for the Republican presidential nomination.


In 2013, Johnson was a signatory to an amicus curiae brief submitted to the Supreme Court in support of same-sex marriage during the Hollingsworth v Perry case.


Nancy Johnson is married to Theodore Nancy Johnson, an obstetrics and gynaecology physician; and has three adult daughters.