14 Facts About Naucalpan


The history of Naucalpan begins with a group called the Tlatilca who settled on the edges of the Hondo River between 1700 and 600 BCE, in what is modern Nacaulpan, Totolinga and Los Cuartos.

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In 1574, the Temple of San Bartolome Naucalpan was built, with the towers constructed later in 1629.

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Naucalpan's eventually became the patroness of Naucalpan, with 450th anniversary of her finding celebrated in 1990.

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Naucalpan was officially declared a city in 1957, and the founding of Ciudad Satelite occurred in the same year.

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Naucalpan already participates in the "Hoy No Circula" program, which restricts the use of private automobiles in Mexico City and some adjoining areas during the week and is considering extending restrictions to Saturdays as well.

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Industries which have left Naucalpan include metals, cement, glass-works and others that use a large quantity of energy.

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Naucalpan is strongly dependent on cars and other motorized transportation.

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One of the best-known areas of Naucalpan is Ciudad Satelite with its signature Torres de Satelite sculpture.

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One of the projects conceived for the suburban zone of Naucalpan was a development called Ciudad Satelite.

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Arena Naucalpan is a major arena in Naucalpan, Estado de Mexico.

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The Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades Plantel Naucalpan is a technical college associated with UNAM.

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Naucalpan's is considered one of the Virgins who correlate with the four cardinal directions, along with the Virgins of Tepeyac, of Piedad and de la Bala.

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Part of the city that lies within Naucalpan Municipality is nearly co-extensive with the municipality, with only the Los Remedios National Park and several ejidos remaining mostly unurbanized.

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Naucalpan is one of the most powerful municipalities in the country; in the area next to Mexico City there's many little and medium-sized businesses; such as pharmaceutical labs, spare parts businesses and chemical products and textile manufacturing factories.

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