12 Facts About Nokia 3310


Nokia 3310 is a GSM mobile phone announced on 1 September 2000, and released in the fourth quarter of the year, replacing the popular Nokia 3210.

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The new Nokia 3310 model comes with a comprehensive update over its predecessor, with a 2.

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Nokia 3310 is known for being reasonably durable due to its casing and construction, a feature which is often humorously exaggerated in online communities.

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Nokia 3310's main new feature introduced over its predecessors was a Chat function.

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The Nokia 3310 was popular for SMS text messaging because of Chat and because it allowed long messages three times the size of a standard SMS text message, at 459 characters.

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Nokia 3310 is known for having many features that were rare for the time.

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Nokia 3310 can be customized with interchangeable Xpress-On covers, and thousands of different designs have been produced by various companies.

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The Nokia 3310 3395 is an updated version of the 3390, which includes the additional features of the Asian 3315 model, and it has poor reception if connected to a GSM 850 area.

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Nokia 3310 3330 added a CSD-based WAP capability, animated Screensavers, a pinball game named Bumper, and phonebook with a 100-entry capacity to the model.

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An Asia-Pacific only version, known as the Nokia 3310 3350, was in essence an improved 3330 with WAP, rhythmic backlight alert, animated Screensavers, two-way Navi-Key, dedicated call and hang buttons, Chinese lunar calendar, and a 96-by-65-pixel screen.

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Nokia 3310 has a reputation of great durability, and many Internet memes have been made calling the phone "indestructible" or "the Nokia Brick" and praising its durability compared to modern smartphones.

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In November 2015, the Nokia 3310 was chosen as one of the first three "National Emojis" for Finland.

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