19 Facts About Norman Solomon


Norman Solomon was born on July 7,1951 and is an American journalist, media critic, activist, and former US congressional candidate.


In 2012, Norman Solomon ran for Congress in California's 2nd congressional district.


Norman Solomon attended the 2016 and 2020 Democratic National Conventions as a Bernie Sanders delegate.


Norman Solomon came under FBI scrutiny after he picketed for the desegregation of a Maryland apartment complex at age 14.


Norman Solomon became aware of their surveillance later, through a Freedom of Information request.


Norman Solomon engaged in civil disobedience as part of the anti-nuclear movement, and eventually spent 40 days in jail as a result.


Norman Solomon made eight trips to Moscow during the 1980s, including one during which he and a leader of an American group, the Alliance of Atomic Veterans, organized a sit-in at the US Embassy, demanding that the US join the Soviet Union in a halt to tests of nuclear bombs.


In 1988, Norman Solomon worked briefly as a spokesperson for the Alliance of Atomic Veterans in Washington, DC He was hired in August 1988 to run the new Washington, DC, office of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.


Norman Solomon's articles have been published by The Nation and other magazines.


Norman Solomon is a frequent contributor to online outlets such as Common Dreams, Salon and LA Progressive.


In 2000, Solomon teamed up with Robert Parry to write a series of investigative reports on George W Bush's Secretary of State Colin Powell, published on Parry's website Consortium News.


In December 2002, Norman Solomon accompanied actor and director Sean Penn to Baghdad in another attempt to foster dialogue and prevent a US-led attack.


Norman Solomon followed eventual winner, Democratic state Assemblyman Jared Huffman and Republican Daniel Roberts with.


Norman Solomon co-founded the online activist group Roots Action in early 2011; ten years later, it counted more than 1.3 million active members.


On June 4,2014, Norman Solomon was among the speakers at a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, announcing the launch of ExposeFacts.


In 2017, Norman Solomon co-authored RootsAction's "Autopsy" report on the Democratic Party's 2016 Presidential defeat by Republican Donald Trump.


Norman Solomon was elected as a pledged Bernie Sanders delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention.


Norman Solomon helped to organize, and was the coordinator of, the Bernie Delegates Network independent from the official Sanders campaign organization.


In 2020, when Norman Solomon was elected again as a Bernie Sanders delegate to the Democratic National Convention, he served as a coordinator, among others, to a revived Bernie Delegates Network.