12 Facts About OpenSocial


OpenSocial is a public specification that defines a component hosting environment and a set of common application programming interfaces for web applications.

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The OpenSocial Foundation moved to integrate or support numerous other Open Web technologies.

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Applications implementing the OpenSocial APIs are interoperable with any social network system that supports them.

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OpenSocial is commonly described as a more open cross-platform alternative to the Facebook Platform, a proprietary service of the popular social network service Facebook.

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OpenSocial was rumored to be part of a larger social networking initiative by Google code-named "Maka-Maka", which is defined as meaning "intimate friend with whom one is on terms of receiving and giving freely" in Hawaiian.

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Hi5 taps Widgetbox's support for OpenSocial to get access to the choice of web widgets Widgetbox provides.

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The total time to crack the OpenSocial-based iLike on Ning was just 20 minutes, with the attacker being able to add and remove songs on a user's playlist and access the user's friend information.

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Hasel and Iacono showed that “OpenSocial specification were far from being comprehensive in respect to security”.

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OpenSocial acknowledged that the "one-size-fits-all" approach it was taking was not going to work for the diverse type of websites that had adopted the platform.

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OpenSocial Templates were introduced to create data-driven UI with a separation of markup and programmatic logic.

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OpenSocial Markup Language is a new set of standardized tags to accomplish common tasks or safely perform normally unsafe operations within templates.

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OpenSocial changed specifications for containers to implement a RESTful API.

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