10 Facts About Osmond Fraenkel


Osmond Fraenkel was an American attorney who served as general counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union.

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Osmond Kessler Fraenkel was born on October 17,1888, in New York City.

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Osmond Fraenkel served co-counsel to the New York Civil Liberties Committee from 1934 through 1955, at which time he became general counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union through 1977.

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Osmond Fraenkel served as chair of the New York City Welfare Department Hearing Board from 1936 to 1951.

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Osmond Fraenkel defended Consumers Union's pamphlet on contraception from Frank Comerford Walker's opinion that it was obscene.

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In United States v Richardson, Fraenkel argued against United States Attorney General Robert H Bork.

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Osmond Fraenkel did legal work for the cases around Japanese American internment, the Pentagon Papers, and school prayer in the United States.

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Osmond Fraenkel was a co-founder of the National Lawyers Guild and was present at pre-formation meeting in New York City on December 1,1936.

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Osmond Fraenkel died age 94 on May 17,1983, in New York City while walking to work.

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Osmond Fraenkel authored more than 100 books an articles, including a book on the Sacco and Vanzetti case.

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