18 Facts About Philopoemen


Philopoemen was called "the last of the Greeks" by an anonymous Roman.

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Philopoemen was then adopted by an important citizen of Megalopolis, Cleander.

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Philopoemen strove to emulate the 4th-century BC Theban general and statesman, Epaminondas.

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Philopoemen believed that as a public servant, personal virtue was at all times a necessary condition.

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Philopoemen first came to the attention of key Greek politicians when he helped defend Megalopolis against the Spartan king Cleomenes III in 223 BC.

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Philopoemen's actions helped give the citizens of Megalopolis enough time to evacuate the city.

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Philopoemen commanded a cavalry force, which included soldiers from Megalopolis.

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Philopoemen was appointed strategos of the Achaean League in 209 BC.

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Philopoemen used his position to modernise and increase the size of the Achaean army and updated the soldiers' equipment and battle tactics.

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Philopoemen was appointed strategos for the Achaean League between 201 and 199 BC.

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Philopoemen had to change his tactics as the fighting on the island was more in the style of guerrilla warfare.

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When Philopoemen re-entered Laconia for a second attempt, his forces were ambushed by Nabis, but nevertheless Philopoemen managed to gain a victory over the Spartan forces.

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Now in full control of Sparta, Philopoemen forced Sparta to become a member state of the Achaean League.

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Philopoemen wanted to restore only those Spartans who were willing to support the league.

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In 188 BC, Philopoemen entered northern Laconia with his army and a group of Spartan exiles.

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Philopoemen's army demolished the wall that the former tyrant of Sparta, Nabis, had built around Sparta.

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Philopoemen then restored Spartan citizenship to the exiles and abolished Spartan law and its education system, introducing Achaean law and institutions in their place.

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Philopoemen was then invited to drink poison to allow him to have what was then regarded as an honourable death.

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