24 Facts About Quenya


Quenya successively changed the language's name from Elfin and Qenya to the eventual Quenya.

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Quenya felt that his languages changed and developed over time, as with the historical languages which he studied professionally—not in a vacuum, but as a result of the migrations and interactions of the peoples who spoke them.

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Quenya language featured prominently in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, as well as in his posthumously published history of Middle-earth The Silmarillion.

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Quenya was then already familiar with Latin, Greek, Spanish, and several ancient Germanic languages, such as Gothic, Old Norse, and Old English.

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Quenya had invented several cryptographic codes, and two or three constructed languages.

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Ingredients in Quenya are various, but worked out into a self-consistent character not precisely like any language that I know.

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Tolkien considered Quenya to be "the one language which has been designed to give play to my own most normal phonetic taste".

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Quenya usually started with the phonological system of the proto-language and then proceeded by inventing for each daughter language the necessary sequence of sound changes.

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Quenya had many grammars with substantial differences between the different stages of its development.

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The phonology of Quenya was inspired by certain aspects of Finnish, but this is not easily recognised.

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Some linguists have argued that Quenya can be understood as an example of a particular kind of artificial language that helps to create a fictional world.

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Attempts by fans to write in Quenya began in the 1970s, when the total corpus of published Elvish comprised only a few hundred words.

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The Quenya as used by the Vanyar incorporated several words from Valarin that were not found in the Noldorin dialect, such as tulka, ulban, and nasar .

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The documentation about late Quenya phonology is contained in the Appendix E of the Lord of the Rings and the "Outline of Phonology", one of Tolkien's texts, published in Parma Eldalamberon No 19.

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Tolkien devised phonotactical rules for late Quenya, governing the way in which the sounds could be combined to form words:.

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In early Quenya, adjectives agree with the noun they modify in case and number, but not in later Quenya, where this agreement disappears.

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In Quenya, there are many similarities in form between prepositions and adverbs since the grammatical case already determines the relation of verb and object.

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In late Quenya, pronouns have both separate or independent forms, and suffix forms.

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Quenya allows for a flexible word order because it is an inflectional language like Latin.

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Quenya decided that, prior to their Exile, the Noldorin Elves first used the sarati of Rumil to record Ancient Quenya.

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In Middle-earth, Quenya appears to have been rarely written using the "Elvish runes" or cirth, named certar in Quenya.

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Tolkien's spelling in Latin script of Quenya was largely phonemic, with each letter corresponding to a specific phoneme in the language.

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Tolkien's standard orthography for Quenya uses all the letters of the Latin script except j, k, and z, together with the acute and diaeresis marks on vowels; the letters n, þ and z only appear in early Quenya.

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Poem "" is the longest piece of Quenya found in The Lord of the Rings, yet the first sentence in Quenya is uttered by a Hobbit; namely Frodo's greeting to the Elves:.

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