10 Facts About Rebel News


Rebel News is a Canadian right-wing to far-right political and social commentary media website operated by Rebel News Network Ltd.

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Rebel News has been described as being part of the alt-right movement.

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Rebel News has promoted climate change denial and oil sands extraction in Alberta.

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In early 2016, the Alberta government banned The Rebel News Media's correspondents from press briefings on the grounds that, because Ezra Levant had testified in court in 2014 that he was a columnist or commentator rather than a reporter, none of his current correspondents could be considered to be journalists.

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In late 2016, after first being refused press accreditation for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP22 Climate Change Conference, Rebel News Media was allowed to send two correspondents to COP22.

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In 2017, Rebel News Media hired far-right activist Tommy Robinson, founder of the avowedly anti-Islamic English Defence League, as its British correspondent.

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McInnes produced a satirical video for Rebel News called "Ten Things I Hate about Jews", later retitled "Ten Things I Hate About Israel".

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Brian Jean, Jason Kenney, and Doug Schweitzer of the United Conservative Party of Alberta condemned the Rebel News and said they would not grant interviews to the company.

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Faith Goldy, a former journalist and online show host of the Rebel News, was fired on 17 August 2017, for her participation in a podcast associated with The Daily Stormer.

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Robertson claims he was fired for "knowing too much" about the Rebel News's finances, claiming the company dishonestly solicited donations for projects that were already funded and concealing how that money was spent.

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