12 Facts About Rinzai school


Contemporary Japanese Rinzai school is derived entirely from the Otokan lineage transmitted through Hakuin Ekaku, who is a major figure in the revival of the Rinzai school tradition.

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Time during which Rinzai school Zen was established in Japan saw the rise of the samurai to power.

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Rinzai school is the author of the influential The Undying Lamp of Zen, which presents a comprehensive system of Rinzai training.

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Rinzai school university was founded in 1872, Hanazono University, initially as a seminary for those entering the priesthood.

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Rinzai school is a Mahayana Buddhist tradition which draws from the various Indian Mahayana sutras and shastras of the Indian masters.

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Important Japanese sources of the Rinzai school include the works of Hakuin Ekaku and his student Torei Enji.

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Torei's Undying Lamp of Zen presents a comprehensive Rinzai school path as it existed at the time of Hakuin and is a major source for Rinzai school Zen practice.

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Rinzai school Zen is marked by the emphasis it places on kensho as the gateway to authentic Buddhist practice.

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Rinzai school stresses the importance of post-kensho spiritual training which allows one to actualize awakening and embody it for the benefit of all beings.

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Rinzai school developed its own formalized style of koan introspection and training.

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In general, the Rinzai school is known for the rigor and severity of its training methods.

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North American Rinzai school centers include Rinzai school-ji founded by Kyozan Joshu Sasaki Roshi and the Pacific Zen Institute founded by John Tarrant Roshi in California, Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji established by Eido Shimano Roshi and Soen Nakagawa Roshi in New York, Chozen-ji founded by Omori Sogen Roshi in Hawaii, Daiyuzenji in Illinois and Korinji in Wisconsin both founded by dharma heirs in Omori Sogen Roshi's line, and Chobo-Ji founded by Genki Takabayshi Roshi in Seattle, Washington.

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