16 Facts About Robert Sapolsky


Robert Morris Sapolsky was born on April 6,1957 and is an American neuroendocrinology researcher and author.


Robert Sapolsky is a professor of biology, neurology, neurological sciences, and neurosurgery at Stanford University.


Robert Sapolsky's father, Thomas Sapolsky, was an architect who renovated the restaurants Luchow's and Lundy's.


Robert Sapolsky was raised an Orthodox Jew and spent his time reading about and imagining living with silverback gorillas.


Robert Sapolsky attended John Dewey High School and, by that time, was reading textbooks on the subject and teaching himself Swahili.


Robert Sapolsky then went to Kenya to study the social behaviors of baboons in the wild.


Robert Sapolsky then returned to New York and studied at Rockefeller University, where he received his Ph.

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Robert Sapolsky spent 8 to 10 hours a day for approximately four months each year recording the behaviors of these primates.


Robert Sapolsky is working on gene transfer techniques to strengthen neurons against the disabling effects of glucocorticoids.


Each year, Robert Sapolsky spends time in Kenya studying a population of wild baboons in order to identify the sources of stress in their environment, and the relationship between personality and patterns of stress-related disease in these animals.


Robert Sapolsky has written about neurological impairment and the insanity defense within the American legal system.


Robert Sapolsky's work has been featured widely in the press, most notably in the National Geographic documentary Stress: Portrait of a Killer, articles in The New York Times, Wired magazine, the Stanford magazine, and The Tehran Times.


Robert Sapolsky was awarded the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, the Young Investigator of the Year Awards from the Society for Neuroscience, the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinology, and the Biological Psychiatry Society.


In February 2010 Robert Sapolsky was named to the Freedom From Religion Foundation's Honorary Board of distinguished achievers, following the Emperor Has No Clothes Award for 2002.


Robert Sapolsky is married to Lisa Robert Sapolsky, a doctor in neuropsychology.


Robert Sapolsky was a passionate amateur soccer player, and used to play three times a week, but stopped due to back problems.