18 Facts About Roger MacBride


Roger Lea MacBride was an American lawyer, political figure, writer, and television producer.


Roger MacBride was the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in the 1976 election.


Roger MacBride was co-creator and co-producer of the television series Little House on the Prairie.


Roger MacBride was born in 1929 in New Rochelle, New York, the son of Elise Fairfax and William Burt Roger MacBride, an editor.


Roger MacBride called himself "the adopted grandson" of a family friend, writer and political theorist Rose Wilder Lane, whom he met when he was 14 years of age.


Roger MacBride was a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School.


Roger MacBride was author of record for three additional Little House books and launched the Rocky Ridge Years series of children's novels, describing Lane's Ozark childhood.

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Roger MacBride published two books on constitutional law, The American Electoral College and Treaties versus the Constitution, and authored a Libertarian Party manifesto: A New Dawn for America: The Libertarian Challenge.


Roger MacBride was elected to the Vermont House of Representatives in 1962 and served one term.


Roger MacBride was the treasurer of the Republican Party of Virginia in 1972 and one of the party's electors when Richard Nixon won the popular vote for his second term as president of the United States.


In doing so, Roger MacBride made Nathan the first woman in US history to receive an Electoral College vote.


Roger MacBride rejoined the Republican Party in the 1980s and helped establish the Republican Liberty Caucus, a group promoting libertarian principles within the Republican Party.


Roger MacBride chaired this group from 1992 until his death in 1995.


Roger MacBride was designated by Rose Wilder Lane as her heir.


Roger MacBride gained control of her literary estate on her death in 1968.


Roger MacBride later created and produced the Little House on the Prairie television series.


Roger MacBride was the credited author of a fictionalized series on the life of Rose Wilder Lane.


The ensuing court case was settled in an undisclosed manner, but Roger MacBride's heirs retained the rights.