14 Facts About Rudy Coby


Rudy Coby is a member of the Magic Castle in Los Angeles.


Rudy Coby is known for delivering electric and original comedic performances, of which stage magic plays a large part.


Rudy Coby published a bundle of lecture notes, titled "How To Become A World Famous Magician".


Rudy Coby is known to have worked with Manson from 2003, initially developing new material as well as stage magic.


Rudy Coby designed much of Manson's set and props for stage shows including The Last Tour on Earth.


Rudy Coby has been Manson's roommate; his room being used as part of the cover of the album Eat Me, Drink Me with this news released as some of the first promotional information regarding Manson's track, Devour, from the 2009 album The High End of Low.


When Rudy Coby did a revival of his stage show in 2010, Marilyn Manson played the role of his nemesis.

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Rudy Coby plays an alter ego, "Labman", a scientist who performs amazing deeds.


Since doing the TV shows, Rudy Coby published several comics featuring the enigmatic hero.


Rudy Coby contributed sections of "Labman" material to Gladiators 2000, a children's version of American Gladiators, in 1995.


Rudy Coby's first show begins with a general display of magic, timed to music.


Rudy Coby selects a child from the audience, gets him to select a card at random, and wires himself up to a cardboard bomb.


Rudy Coby tells the volunteer to detonate the bomb at an appropriate time, and after deliberately fudging up the times, gets set on fire but eventually produces the correct card, proving himself to be "The Coolest Magician on Earth".


The Hypnotron 2000 was reportedly so popular in the first show that Rudy Coby had to perform it again in the second.