11 Facts About RV Falkor


RV Falkor is an oceanographic research vessel operated by the Schmidt Ocean Institute.

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One condition for using the RV Falkor is that research findings and data from all expeditions are made publicly available.

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Researchers aboard RV Falkor receive expert shipboard support, use of scientific equipment, as well as robotic and computational resources.

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RV Falkor is adaptable and can facilitate new technologies and external resources as required for each science expedition.

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RV Falkor's was retrofitted into an oceanographic research vessel at Peters Schiffbau shipyard in Wewelsfleth, Germany from 2009 to early 2012.

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In 2016, ROV SuBastian was added to RV Falkor, adding to her technological capabilities and scientific resources.

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RV Falkor has dynamic positioning capabilities which allow it to maintain position when required to deploy scientific instruments.

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RV Falkor's mapping capabilities include shallow and deep-water multibeam echo sounders and subsea acoustic positioning system for acoustic research and seafloor mapping.

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RV Falkor has two workboats, a high-performance computing system, and real-time water temperature, pH, fluorescence, and salinity measurement capabilities.

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RV Falkor has both wet and dry laboratories located immediately to the aft deck for the effective processing and study of samples.

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RV Falkor maintains an internet connection using a Seatel 97 series marine stabilized antenna system on C Band, the original frequency allocation for communications satellites.

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