32 Facts About Stefan Molyneux


Stefan Basil Molyneux is an Irish-born Canadian far-right white nationalist and white supremacist podcaster who promotes conspiracy theories, scientific racism, men's rights, and racist views.


Stefan Molyneux is the founder of the Freedomain Radio website.


Stefan Molyneux is described as a leading figure of the alt-right movement by Politico and The Washington Post, and as far-right by The New York Times.


Multiple sources describe the Freedomain internet community as a cult, referring to the indoctrination techniques Stefan Molyneux has used as its leader.


Stefan Molyneux previously worked in the software industry, wrote nine articles for libertarian Lew Rockwell's personal website, and made appearances on Press TV, InfoWars, and RT.


Stefan Molyneux was born in Ireland and mostly raised in London before moving to Canada at age 11.


Stefan Molyneux attended Glendon College at York University in Toronto, acting at Theatre Glendon and being a member of the Debating Society.

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Stefan Molyneux then attended the National Theatre School of Canada in Montreal.


Stefan Molyneux began a podcast called Freedomain Radio in 2004.


Meanwhile, Stefan Molyneux wrote nine articles for the personal website of Lew Rockwell in 2005.


In 2010, Stefan Molyneux appeared on the Press TV program On the Edge hosted by Max Keiser, and first participated on Alex Jones' InfoWars show the following year.


In 2014, Stefan Molyneux, who has spoken out against copyright, used the DMCA to take down several videos from a YouTube channel that mocked Stefan Molyneux's actions and statements.


In July 2018, Stefan Molyneux applied for a travel visa to visit New Zealand for a speaking tour with Southern.


Stefan Molyneux had said that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are at "the lowest rung of civilisation".


Stefan Molyneux has frequently hosted white supremacists on his podcast, such as Peter Brimelow, and Jared Taylor.


In January 2020, Stefan Molyneux released a video in which he asked his followers for money and complained that he would not be able to find regular employment.


Stefan Molyneux said it was a "systemic, coordinated effort" in which YouTube had "just suspended the largest philosophy conversation the world has ever known".


Stefan Molyneux is a proponent of the white genocide conspiracy theory, interviewing several South African advocates of the theory in his podcasts.


Stefan Molyneux gave his support to President Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen of the French National Rally, as well as the Dutch politician Geert Wilders, during their election campaigns in 2016 and 2017.


Stefan Molyneux has been described as a part of the "alt-right" by Politico, Metro, New York magazine, Vanity Fair, and CBS News, and has been described as "one of the alt-right's biggest YouTube stars" by Washington Post columnist JJ McCullough.


Stefan Molyneux has hosted white supremacists such as Jared Taylor on his show.


Stefan Molyneux has blamed "rap culture" for unarmed black men getting shot by police.


Stefan Molyneux was a panelist at a 2014 Detroit conference held by the men's rights movement and manosphere organization, A Voice for Men.


Stefan Molyneux believes feminism is a form of socialism, and has the aim of "reducing white Christian birth rates".


Stefan Molyneux believes that progressive gender politics are holding back young men.

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Stefan Molyneux agreed with Damore's memo, and said the main reason Damore had drawn heavy criticism was because he is a white man.


Stefan Molyneux refers to the family that people are born into as their "family-of-origin", or "FOO".


Stefan Molyneux and "deFOOing" were subjects of an investigative documentary by Channel 5 in the United Kingdom, which aired on August 20,2015.


Stefan Molyneux knows how to talk like he knows what he's talking about, despite very little academic research.


Stefan Molyneux cites this and cites that, and presents it as the whole truth.


In 2009, Tu Thanh Ha wrote that Stefan Molyneux was called the leader of a "therapy cult" after Tom Bell, a Freedomain Radio community member, severed contact with his family.


Stefan Molyneux responded by saying, "If I advised a wife to leave an abusive husband, there would not be articles about how I am a cult leader".