24 Facts About Sunset Overdrive


Sunset Overdrive is an action-adventure shooter video game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Microsoft Studios.

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Sunset Overdrive uses Insomniac's internal engine, previously used in Fuse.

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Sunset Overdrive is an action-adventure game set in a third-person perspective.

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Sunset Overdrive was developed by Insomniac Games, which had mainly developed games for PlayStation consoles.

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Sunset Overdrive then asked the team to start prototyping ideas for a game that they thought would work.

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Sunset Overdrive felt that the last generation of shooters had established a formula of staying behind cover for defense, and leaning out from it to attack.

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Sunset Overdrive wanted to change that pattern with Sunset Overdrive by encouraging players to attack in an aggressive manner and to focus on momentum.

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Sunset Overdrive collaborated with composers from Microsoft Studios, and Pyramind music studio.

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Sunset Overdrive was one of the first Xbox One exclusives revealed at Microsoft's press conference at E3 2013.

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Insomniac had worked solely for the PlayStation family for about twenty years, and the announcement of Sunset Overdrive being an Xbox exclusive led to speculation that the relationship between Sony and Insomniac had ended.

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Microsoft launched a website called Sunset Overdrive: Walter's Workshop, which is a browser game that allows players to use some of the weapons featured in the game with footage captured in real-life.

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Sunset Overdrive received "generally positive" reviews, according to review aggregator Metacritic.

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Sunset Overdrive added that the game is one of the rare few that made him laugh while playing.

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Sunset Overdrive's opinion was echoed by Peter Brown from GameSpot, who found the voice acting in the game entertaining and believable.

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Sunset Overdrive singled out the traversal system, which he thought was fluid and well-executed.

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Sunset Overdrive added that the fast travel system was not useful in this game, since players can find a lot of fun by simply traveling between different locations in the game's world.

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Sunset Overdrive thought that all of the game's systems intertwined with each other, and ultimately made the game a complete and worthwhile experience.

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Sunset Overdrive added that the traversal system increased the game's replay value.

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Sunset Overdrive added that Insomniac had successfully created a system that was accessible for ordinary players, while creating challenges for those who want to master the system.

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Sunset Overdrive further commended the game's world design, and described it as one of the most "navigationally sophisticated" worlds he had ever experienced in a game.

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Sunset Overdrive praised the game's ability to allow players to customize their characters, and considered the weapons featured "varied", and thought they enhanced the game with personality.

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Sunset Overdrive added that the game's visuals "pop", and compared them to the "Easter Bunny on an acid trip".

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Sunset Overdrive praised the interconnected structure between the single-player and multiplayer, noting that the items that could be carried over from multiplayer to campaign made the mode rewarding.

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Sunset Overdrive went on to express interest in returning to the series.

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