13 Facts About Susan McClary


Susan Kaye McClary was born on October 2,1946 and is an American musicologist associated with "new musicology".


Susan McClary was born in St Louis, Missouri, and received her BA in 1968 from Southern Illinois University.


Susan McClary attended graduate school at Harvard University where she received her MA in 1971 and her PhD in 1976.


Susan McClary taught at the University of Minnesota, McGill University, University of California, Berkeley, and University of California, Los Angeles, before becoming a Professor of Musicology at Case Western Reserve University.


Susan McClary has held a five-year professorship at the University of Oslo.


Susan McClary set the feminist arguments of her early book in a broader sociopolitical context with Conventional Wisdom.


Susan McClary herself admits that her analyses, though intended to deconstruct, engage in essentialism.


At the time Susan McClary was influenced by Maynard Solomon's claim in his 1989 paper "Franz Schubert and the Peacocks of Benvenuto Cellini" that Schubert was homosexual.


Susan McClary's paper explored the relevance of Solomon's research to what she termed the uninhibited, "hedonistic" luxuriance of Schubert's "Unfinished" Symphony.


Susan McClary goes on to conclude that "The Ninth Symphony is probably our most compelling articulation in music of the contradictory impulses that have organized patriarchal culture since the Enlightenment".


The critiques of Susan McClary discussed below refer primarily to the original version of the passage.


Several commentators have objected to Susan McClary's characterizations, including Robert Anton Wilson, Elaine Barkin, and Henry Kingsbury.


Music theorist Pieter van den Toorn has complained that Susan McClary's polemics negate the asocial autonomy of absolute music; he is concerned with formal analysis in the tradition of Schenker.