10 Facts About Sy Barry


Seymour "Sy" Barry was born on March 12,1928 and is an American comic-book and comic-strip artist, best known for being the artist of the strip The Phantom for more than three decades.


Sy Barry was born in New York City in 1928, and is the brother of comics artist Dan Barry, who drew the Flash Gordon comic strip.


Sy Barry attended high school at the School of Industrial Art in Manhattan, New York City beginning in 1943.


Sy Barry began his professional career as his brother's art assistant, and by the late 1940s was working on his own as a freelance comic-book artist, primarily as an inker for publishers including Lev Gleason, the Marvel Comics precursor Timely Comics, and the DC Comics precursor National Comics.


Sy Barry assisted his brother Dan on the Tarzan comic strip from United Feature Syndicate and the Flash Gordon comic strip from King Features Syndicate.


Sy Barry was hired by Capp Studio to draw Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story, a comics pamphlet published in 1957.


Sy Barry's signature was visible on the cover of the pamphlet's first edition, but a text box covered it in later printings.

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In 1961, upon the death of The Phantom artist Wilson McCoy, who had succeeded artist Ray Moore, King Features hired Sy Barry to take over that strip.


Sy Barry remained on it for more than 30 years until his retirement in 1994.


Sy Barry frequently used pencil artists on the strip, working primarily as an inker, though he often drew entire stories when time permitted.