10 Facts About Taylor Branch


Taylor Branch was born on January 14,1947 and is an American author and historian who wrote a Pulitzer Prize winning trilogy chronicling the life of Martin Luther King Jr.


Taylor Branch served as an assistant editor at The Washington Monthly from 1970 to 1973; he was Washington editor of Harper's from 1973 to 1976; and he was Washington columnist for Esquire Magazine from 1976 to 1977.


Taylor Branch has written for a variety of other publications, including The New York Times Magazine, Sport, The New Republic, and Texas Monthly.


In 1972, Taylor Branch worked for the Texas campaign of Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern.


Taylor Branch shared an apartment in Austin with Bill Clinton, and the two developed a friendship that continues today.


Taylor Branch worked with Hillary Rodham, Bill's then-girlfriend and Yale Law School classmate, and later Clinton's wife.


Taylor Branch was a lecturer in politics and history at Goucher College from 1998 to 2000.


Taylor Branch received a five-year MacArthur Foundation Fellowship in 1991 and the National Humanities Medal in 1999.


In 1992, Taylor Branch opined that the Black Hebrew Israelites' denial of citizenship under the Israeli law of return was because of alleged anti-Black sentiment among Israeli Jews.


In 1998, Taylor Branch was criticized by Seth Forman, who said Taylor Branch's claims seemed to be baseless, particularly in light of Israel's airlift of thousands of black Ethiopian Jews in the early 1990s.