18 Facts About Television animation


In traditional Television animation, images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on film.

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The stroboscopic Television animation principle was applied in the zoetrope, the flip book and the praxinoscope .

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Quality dwindled until more daring Television animation surfaced in the late 1980s and in the early 1990s with hit series such as The Simpsons as part of a "renaissance" of American Television animation.

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So-called 3D style, more often associated with computer Television animation, has become extremely popular since Pixar's Toy Story, the first computer-animated feature in this style.

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Not only the very popular 3D Television animation style was generated with computers, but most of the films and series with a more traditional hand-crafted appearance, in which the charming characteristics of cel Television animation could be emulated with software, while new digital tools helped developing new styles and effects.

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In 2010, the Television animation market was estimated to be worth circa US$80 billion.

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Clarity of Television animation makes it a powerful tool for instruction, while its total malleability allows exaggeration that can be employed to convey strong emotions and to thwart reality.

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Criticism of Television animation has been common in media and cinema since its inception.

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Traditional Television animation was the process used for most animated films of the 20th century.

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Traditional cel Television animation process became obsolete by the beginning of the 21st century.

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The "look" of traditional cel Television animation is still preserved, and the character animators' work has remained essentially the same over the past 70 years.

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Some Television animation producers have used the term "tradigital" to describe cel Television animation that uses significant computer technology.

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Full Television animation refers to the process of producing high-quality traditionally animated films that regularly use detailed drawings and plausible movement, having a smooth Television animation.

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Many of the Disney animated features are examples of full Television animation, as are non-Disney works, The Secret of NIMH, The Iron Giant, and Nocturna .

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Limited Television animation involves the use of less detailed or more stylized drawings and methods of movement usually a choppy or "skippy" movement Television animation.

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Limited Television animation uses fewer drawings per second, thereby limiting the fluidity of the Television animation.

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Stop-motion Television animation is used to describe Television animation created by physically manipulating real-world objects and photographing them one frame of film at a time to create the illusion of movement.

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Computer Television animation encompasses a variety of techniques, the unifying factor being that the Television animation is created digitally on a computer.

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