14 Facts About Third Cinema


Third Cinema is a Latin American film movement that started in the 1960s–70s which decries neocolonialism, the capitalist system, and the Hollywood model of cinema as mere entertainment to make money.

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Third Cinema is meant to be non-commercialized, challenging Hollywood's model.

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Third Cinema rejects the view of cinema as a vehicle for personal expression, seeing the director instead as part of a collective; it appeals to the masses by presenting the truth and inspiring revolutionary activism.

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For example, Bollywood, one of the largest centres of film production in the world, can be viewed as resistance against "First Third Cinema" due to political, cultural and aesthetic differences, but at the same time it can be said that Bollywood is a popular commercialized industry.

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Fundamentally different, Third Cinema films sought to inspire revolution against class, racial and gender inequalities.

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Purpose and Goals of Third CinemaThird Cinema seeks to expose the process by which oppression occurs; and to criticize those responsible for social inequality in a country or community.

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ProductionDue to their political nature, Third Cinema films were often censored and therefore, the production and distribution of these films were innovative.

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Since Third Cinema films were highly politicized, they often lacked the funding and support needed for production or distribution and instead sought funding outside government agencies or traditional financing opportunities available to commercial films.

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Aesthetic of Third Cinema is influenced by its low budget and amateur film makers, leading to a style of film not reliant on special effects and action set pieces, but rather on real life events and subtle stories.

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Third Cinema continues to inspire and challenge modern and current artists and filmmakers.

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The purposeful activism sparked by Third Cinema was not defined to play catch-up to wealthier filmmakers, but to spark innovative creation in third world populations.

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Third Cinema attempted to unite Third World populations experiencing oppression, focusing on Central America, Africa and Asia.

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Third Cinema established a departure from both the norms of commercial Hollywood films, as well as the Second Cinema movement of European art films.

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Third Cinema is then discussed as encompassing most Latin American films and all films that have political charge and meaning.

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