24 Facts About Tracy Jordan


Tracy Jordan is a fictional character in the American television series 30 Rock, played by the actor Tracy Morgan.


Tracy Jordan is a rich, famous B-list movie star with a reputation for unpredictable behavior.


Tracy Jordan is a descendant of Thomas Jefferson and slave Sally Hemings.


Tracy Jordan was born in Yankee Stadium but the exact date is unknown as he has no birth certificate.


Tracy Jordan was given the honorary birthday of February 24, shared with TGS Co-star Jenna Maroney in the March 5,2009, episode "Goodbye, My Friend".


Tracy Jordan lived with his single mother in 1979, dropped out of Frank Lucas High School over his inability to dissect a frog, and claims to have spent time busking as a bucket drummer.


Tracy Jordan was discovered after doing stand-up at the Apollo in 1984.

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Thomas Jefferson

Tracy Jordan did a Christmas album in 1998 and is a big fan of Pat Benatar.


Tracy Jordan owns several houses but got into debt because he didn't make the payments on them.


Tracy Jordan is a conspiracy theorist who believes, for instance, in shadow organizations and vampires.


Tracy Jordan is able to remember details of American history and is able to answer trivia questions correctly.


Tracy Jordan has a sensitivity to the mistreatment of African Americans.


Tracy Jordan often implies that his clownish behavior is mostly an act, which he maintains because his childish persona is responsible for his success as an entertainer.


Tracy Jordan once lived with his birth mother, but lost touch with her: in "The Moms" he is not sure of her whereabouts or even her name.


Tracy Jordan tends to loiter around the studio with his entourage, former high school classmate Grizz and professional entourage member Dot Com.


Tracy Jordan develops a close friendship with NBC page Kenneth Parcell, who willingly runs errands for him and periodically serves as a member of his entourage.


Tracy Jordan helps Kenneth with his shyness around women, and considers himself a mentor to Kenneth.


Tracy Jordan is more sympathetic to Kenneth than most of the other characters are.


For example, when Tracy Jordan quit TGS after learning he no longer needed the money he earned from the show, it was Jack's threat to fire Kenneth that made Tracy Jordan change his mind, returning to the show in order to keep Kenneth employed.


Tracy Jordan has a reputation for being uncontrollable and his habit of insulting powerful movie executives costs him roles.


Jack tried to recruit Tracy Jordan to join the Republican Party, but Tracy Jordan came to realize that African-Americans would never support the GOP.


Tracy Jordan once considers becoming Catholic, but is dissuaded by Jack due to, as expected, intolerance of guilt.


Tracy Jordan once wrote a novelty song entitled "Werewolf Bar Mitzvah", which he recorded for Geffen Records.


In Tina Fey's original pilot script for 30 Rock, Tracy Jordan was called "Lawrence Tracy Jordan".