17 Facts About Trimpin


Trimpin was born on Gerhard Trimpin and was born on 1951 and is a German born kinetic sculptor, sound artist, and musician currently living in Seattle and Tieton, Washington.

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Trimpin's works are known to be electromechanically actuated by embedded microcontrollers that communicate digitally through MIDI.

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Trimpin grew up in Istein, now part of Efringen-Kirchen, near the French and Swiss borders.

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Trimpin is a native speaker of Alemannisch and the son of a brass and woodwind player.

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Trimpin played brass instruments himself, but developed an allergy to metal that affected his lips and made him give up playing.

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Trimpin's father treated him to spatial musical experiences, playing at some distance in the German woods, and young Trimpin experimented with old radios and with cutting apart and recombining elements of musical instruments.

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In 1980 Trimpin moved to America because he needed access to old, used technological components, which were difficult to find in Europe; he settled in Seattle because it "sounded like a nice place to live".

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Trimpin has invented a gamelan whose iron bells are suspended in air by electronic magnets; a photo sensor prevents them from rising past a certain point, and since they don't touch anything, once rung they will sound with a phenomenally long decay.

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Trimpin already had the technology to convert Nancarrow's player piano rolls into MIDI information, thus saving their contents from potential deterioration and disaster.

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Trimpin has invented machines to play every instrument of the orchestra via MIDI commands.

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Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Concourse A artwalk includes Trimpin's Contraption installed next to the concourse's first moving sidewalk.

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Trimpin received a 1994 Foundation for Contemporary Arts Grants to Artists Award.

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Trimpin was the recipient of a 1997 MacArthur "Genius" Award.

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Trimpin's water-based sound sculpture "Sheng High" was exhibited during the 2009 Ojai Music Festival, and one of his creations was featured in one of the pieces performed on the last evening.

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Trimpin was commissioned to create a permanent sound sculpture for the music amphitheatre at Ojai.

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Trimpin's sculpture, Klompen, is a sound sculpture that includes 96 Dutch wooden clogs that connect to a computer by wires suspended from the ceiling.

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In 2010, Trimpin transformed into robotic form a set of percussion instruments that David A Jaffe inherited from Henry Brant for use in Jaffe's composition The Space Between Us.

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