11 Facts About Truck stops


Smaller truck stops might consist of only a parking area, a fueling station, and perhaps a diner restaurant.

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Larger truck stops tend to have full-service maintenance facilities for heavy trucks, as well as vehicle wash services that can handle anything from passenger vehicles to large trucks.

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Retail stores in large truck stops offer a large selection of 12-volt DC products, such as coffee makers, combo television units, toaster ovens, and frying pans primarily targeted towards truck drivers, who often spend extended periods of time on the road.

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Many truck stops used to have load board monitors for truck drivers to find real time information on loads, jobs, weather and news.

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However, DAT Solutions, the largest provider of load boards, removed its monitors from thousands of truck stops and moved all its services online and to its load board mobile apps.

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Approximately two thirds of truck stops are independently owned with the remainder being owned and run by 'Big Oil' brands such as Caltex, BP and Shell.

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Truck stops stop originated in the United States in the 1940s as a reliable source of diesel fuel not commonly available at filling stations.

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In Louisiana, truck stops that meet certain criteria are allowed to have on-site casinos that can operate up to 50 video poker gaming devices.

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However, most truck stops reflect the social environment of their local area; consequently, one occasionally finds seedy truck stops in seedy areas.

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Economics of truck stops have driven most of the small, post-war operations out of business and they have been replaced with large corporate chains or franchises.

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Truck stops drivers are a captive market, because the trucks' size and local regulations place severe restrictions on where a truck driver can park.

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