10 Facts About Turkish Van


Turkish Van is a naturally occurring breed of domestic cat that originated in the Lake Van area of modern-day Turkey, part of Armenian Highlands.

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The Turkish Van is classified as a semi-long hair, but it has two lengths of hair, determined by season.

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The Western preference for matching eyes in the Turkish Van cat is a source of amusement to the people of the Lake Turkish Van region.

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Turkish Van cat has physically adapted by growing its hair in thick and full for the winter, and then shedding its semi-long hair for the summer, appearing as a short-haired cat.

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Turkish Van's stayed true to her ideal of perfection in the Van line, breeding only within the stock of authentic Turkish Van's, and refusing to outcross to other breeds, thereby preserving the features the Van breed had carried through hundreds of generations.

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Turkish Van's gave little thought to the conformation of the Van to the already set standards, insisting that the Van had its own established standard that must be held to.

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The Turkish Van cat has long been considered a national treasure, and is relatively rare in population.

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Turkish Van is a large, muscular, well-built cat with a moderately long body and tail.

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Turkish Van typically has very large ears when it is a kitten, growing into its ears over time.

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Solid-white Turkish Van angoras carry the epistatic white colour dominant gene associated with white fur, blue eyes and often deafness.

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