11 Facts About Zildjian


Avedis Zildjian Company, simply known as Zildjian, is a musical instrument manufacturer specializing in cymbals and other percussion instruments.

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Zildjian is the oldest manufacturer of musical instruments in the world as well as one of the oldest continuously operating companies in the World.

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Zildjian sells cymbals, drumsticks, percussion mallets and other drum accessories under the Zildjian, Vic Firth and Balter Mallet brands.

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Zildjian made an alloy of tin, copper, and silver into a sheet of metal, which could make musical sounds without shattering.

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Zildjian's shop manufactured cymbals for the mehter, Ottoman military bands consisting of wind and percussion instruments, which belonged to the Janissaries.

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Zildjian died in 1865, and since his sons were too young, his brother Kerope II took over the company.

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Zildjian introduced a line of instruments called K Zildjian, which are used by classical musicians to this day.

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Zildjian was involved in the Armenian nationalist movement and resistance to the atrocities of the ruling Sultan, Abdul Hamid II.

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In 1928, Avedis III, his brother Puzant, and his uncle Aram Zildjian began manufacturing cymbals in Quincy, Massachusetts, and the Avedis Zildjian Co.

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In early 1977, Armand Zildjian was appointed President of the Avedis Zildjian Company by his father.

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In 2010, Zildjian acquired the Vic Firth Company and in 2018 acquired the Mike Balter Mallet company expanding the company's product offerings to include a full range of drumsticks and percussion mallets.

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