14 Facts About Adair Turner


Jonathan Adair Turner, Baron Turner of Ecchinswell was born on 5 October 1955 and is a British businessman and academic and was Chairman of the Financial Services Authority until its abolition in March 2013.

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Adair Turner is a former Chairman of the Pensions Commission and the Committee on Climate Change, as well as a former Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry.

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Adair Turner has described himself in a BBC HARDtalk interview with Stephen Sackur as a 'technocrat'.

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Adair Turner is a vocal advocate of monetary financing and "helicopter money" whereby central banks would directly finance government spending or cash distribution to citizens.

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Adair Turner later went to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, where he took a Double first in History and Economics and became President of the Cambridge Union.

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Adair Turner was Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry from 1995 to 1999.

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Adair Turner lectures part-time at the London School of Economics, where in 2010 he delivered three lectures on "Economics after the Crisis", later published by MIT Press as a book under that title: this criticised conventional wisdom that the object of policy should be to maximise GDP, that the way to do this is to promote freer markets, and that inequality is an acceptable price for growth.

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In 2008 his Building a Low-carbon Economy was published, and the same year Adair Turner was appointed as first Chairman of the British Government's newly established Committee on Climate Change.

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Adair Turner took up this post on 20 September 2008 for a five-year term to succeed Callum McCarthy.

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Adair Turner defended the actions of the regulator on the BBC's Andrew Marr show on 15 February 2009, saying that other regulatory bodies throughout the world, which varied in structure and lightness of regulatory touch, failed to predict the economic collapse.

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Adair Turner said that in line with other regulators the FSA had failed intellectually by focusing too much on processes and procedures rather than looking at the bigger economic picture.

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Adair Turner did not apologise for the actions of the FSA, which had presided over the near-total collapse of several major banks, and accepted that it had not foreseen the consequences for Lloyds Bank of its merger with the ailing HBOS in September 2008.

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Adair Turner comes from Ireland, and was born c 1956.

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Adair Turner was Chair of the council of the Soil Association and a non-executive director of Northern Foods.

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