22 Facts About Alan Khazei


Alan Khazei served as chief executive officer of City Year, an AmeriCorps national service program he co-founded with Michael Brown, his friend and roommate at Harvard College and Harvard Law School.


Alan Khazei placed third in the Democratic primary in the 2010 special election, and withdrew from the primary in the 2012 election due to lack of funds and media attention after Elizabeth Warren got into the race.


In September 2019, Alan Khazei announced a run for US Representative from Massachusetts's 4th congressional district.


Alan Khazei is the son of an Iranian-American surgeon and an Italian-American nurse.


Alan Khazei was born in Pittsburgh and grew up in the Boston area and in Bedford, New Hampshire.


Alan Khazei graduated from Harvard College with honors in 1983 and in 1987 from Harvard Law School with honors, where he was a member of the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau.


Alan Khazei later worked with President Bill Clinton to establish AmeriCorps.

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In 2008, Alan Khazei organized ServiceNation, a summit event held in New York City on September 11,2008 that featured then-presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain alongside over 700 other national service leaders.


Alan Khazei then worked with Senator Ted Kennedy on the Edward M Kennedy Serve America Act, which authorizes the greatest expansion of national service in America since President Franklin D Roosevelt created the Civilian Conservation Corps.


Alan Khazei worked with General Stanley McChrystal and others to merge ServiceNation with the Franklin Project to create the Service Year Alliance dedicated to making a year of service a rite of passage for all young Americans.


Alan Khazei has served on the board of multiple organizations including City Year, Global Zero, the Harvard Alumni Association, the Mass Service Alliance, New Profit, Inc.


Alan Khazei has served on the advisory boards of the Ad Council, America's Promise, the Leadership Council of Boston Medical Center, the Center for Public Leadership at the John F Kennedy School of Government, and the Partnership for Public Service.


Alan Khazei serves as a commissioner on the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service.


Alan Khazei is a recipient of the Reebok Human Rights Award, the Samuel S Beard Jefferson Award for Public Service, the Caring Institute Award, the William Jefferson Clinton Award, the Jefferson Award for Public Service, and the Harvard Law School Association Outstanding Alumni Award.


Alan Khazei has received honorary degrees from Clark University, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Northeastern University, Suffolk University, and Mount Ida College.


Alan Khazei sought the Democratic Party's nomination for this seat in the Democratic primary on December 8,2009.


Alan Khazei came in third, behind Congressman Mike Capuano and winner Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley.


Alan Khazei's campaign was the only campaign among the candidates for the Democratic primary that accepted donations only from private citizens.


Alan Khazei signaled on October 26,2011, that he planned to withdraw from the race, citing a lack of funds and media attention in the wake of Elizabeth Warren's entry into the race.


Alan Khazei ran for Congress in 2020 to represent Massachusetts's 4th congressional district.


Alan Khazei is married to Vanessa Kirsch, a social entrepreneur and graduate of Tufts University who has established several philanthropic organizations, most recently New Profit Inc.


Alan Khazei is the cousin of Boston TV news anchor, Kim Khazei.